Saturday, July 26, 2008

Northern tree shrew.

Northern Tree Shrew (Tupaia belangeri).

This had been caught, earlier during the very day of taking the picture, with a trap at Tuipang in June 2008.

John Parr's Mammals of Thailand says of the species - Head and body: 16-20 cm Tail: 15-20 cm Separated from all treeshrews apart from Common Treeshrew by comparatively large size and having a long, slender, bushy tail which is as long as the head and body. Usually has a pale stripe on each shoulder. Distinguished from Common Treeshrew by lighter brown pelage colour. The head and body are marginally smaller than that of the Common treeshrew, which is difficult to pick out in the field.

We thank Aparajita Dutta and Kashmira Kakati for guiding with identification.

For details -

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